Garden and Landscaping Supplies : Little Blakley Lane Farm, Little Blakley Lane, Nr Dilhorne, Stoke-on-Trent. ST102PT

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A lot of underlying garden and growth problems are related to poor soil

A quality top soil ranges from purpose soils, as dug, screened, virgin soil and loam soil. We advise what your garden is lacking in terms of natural drainage, organic matter or nutrients.

A quality top soil ranges from purpose soils, as dug, screened, virgin soil and loam soil. We advise what your garden is lacking in terms of natural drainage, organic matter or nutrients.

Our soil is certified which means it gets tested to make sure no plastic, metal, or foreign matter is mixed in and also that the PH levels are right. All our Top soil is screened on our Farm and tested.

What soil is right for you?

All soil should be breathable, not be water logged and have the correct PH Level. All our soils are tested for this.

As Dug Soil (2nd Grade Soil)

This soil is just as it says on the tin, we still screen it with the 20mm screener to remove any larger natural stone. It contains the right level of compounds such as clay and sand, perfect for filling and turfing.

Virgin Soil (1st Soil)

This is screened with a 9mm screener from Greenland, certified to have the right natural balance for all gardens.

Loam Soil (A Grade Soil)

This is blended here on the farm with organic matter (compost) and sand to create the perfect drainage for all growing roots and the extra nutrients they need for the best growth.

Testing your soil

Signs of healthy soil include plenty of underground animal and plant activity, such as earthworms and fungi. Soil that is rich in organic matter tends to be darker and crumbles off of the roots of plants you pull up, or crumbles in your hands. Small amounts of certain compounds can effect your garden grass, such as not enough lime or elements of aluminium in the soil.